Connect to customer computer or mobile device from any PC, Mac, iOS or Android device.
File TransferExchange files from the customer's computer with their consent.
Share your screenProvide demo or assist in troubleshooting by sharing your screen with customer.
Performance ViewerUse your desktop for remote sessions and get near 60 FPS speed, possibly world's fastest remote support sessions for computers from anywhere.
Record Remote SessionsRecord remote sessions, save snapshots from the session and view later from session logs.
Multiple monitor displayAccess two or more monitors connected to remote desktop without any additional software.
IntegrationsUse HelpDesk seamlessly with popular support and ticketing platforms.
ComplianceWe assist businesses using our remote access solutions to meet regulatory compliance governing their industry.
Remote sessions are initiated using TLS v 1.2/AES 256-bit encryption and customers can end the session anytime.
Additional security support with 2FA. Verify sign ins using one-time code received on email.
Once the session is terminated, the software installed will automatically be deleted from customer device.
Access logs, time and date, and other details of each session.
Record each session for further diagnosis and future reference.
Capture the screen securely and take notes of the issues for detailed references.
1 Technician
$99.50/Year $9.95 for the first year
5 Technicians
$249.50/Year $24.95 for the first year
Unlimited Technicians
$499.50/Year $49.95 for the first year
7-day free trial (No credit card required)